Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this book from Litfuse Publicity and the Author in exchange for my personal and fair review. All opinions expressed in my book reviews are always honest and 100 percent my own.
Sacred Rest
My Personal Thoughts and Review:
When you think of “rest”, what comes to your mind? Sleep, taking it easy, vacations? Yep, me too! However, in this wonderful look into Sacred Rest, Dr. Dalton-Smith opened my eyes to so many other ways that we need to find rest. When I first saw the title of this book I immediately thought that this book was something I would be interested in and when I dove deeper into it, I knew that it was meant for this exact time in my life.
As a working and homeschooling mom, my days, weeks and months are filled with busy and sometimes overwhelming days. With the word “rest” nowhere to be found. Late nights and many early mornings keep this girl struggling to find the right balance in many things. The Physical rest is often what we think of when we say we need more, but in this book, the author opened my eyes to so much more “rest” that I was in need of.
In Sacred Rest, Dr. Dalton-Smith covers seven different types of rest including physical, mental, emotional, social, sensory, creative and spiritual. As she covers each of these types of rest she offers some insightful information backing each topic and practical advice for those of us that need to find a work-rest balance. Something that I crave these days, how about you guys?
If you are anything like I was, you may look over those seven types of rest and think to yourself that the only one that applies to you is the physical rest or maybe mental if you’ve had a hard day. But let me tell you, friends, that is exactly what I thought before taking the quizzes in the book for each of the types of rest. I was shocked to discover how much I related to not two, not three, but four of them!
I really enjoyed Dr. Dalton-Smith’s wisdom and her insight on these seven kinds of rest and the stories she shared within the chapters of each. Not only did I learn so much about myself on a whole new level, I now have some practical guidance from a faith-based perspective to help me along the way to finding my rest in these areas. I hope to put them to use as I continue to work toward finding just that right balance in my life.
If you are feeling “tired” or drained in many areas of your life I would highly recommend this book as one to pick up. The author has a smooth and easy to read style that will help guide you along through the chapters as you discover all the ways we could be needing more rest.
About the Author:
I am a southern girl through and through that loves to laugh, cook, read and spend time with family. My passions outside of home schooling my son are ministering to those in need and creating art in the kitchen! Every day is an adventure in our little house and I wouldn’t trade it or the chance to share here with you for anything!
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