Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book from LitFuse Publicity in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions and thoughts are 100% honest and my own.
Back of The Book : “If my husband would change, I’d be happy” and “I’m falling out of love with him” are among several common myths that lead women to search for marital happiness in all the wrong places. In this book author Rhonda Stoppe shares, with candor and humor, how to enrich your relationship with your husband (even if he doesn’t change). Along the way you’ll read many helpful stories and real-life example from other couples and discover…
- how to deal with unfulfilled longings
- the secret to keeping your husband’s attention
- 10 keys to a happy marriage
Let This Book Help You Realize God’s Highest Good For Your Marriage!
My Review: In all honesty I usually gravitate more toward works of fiction, but there are times when I see a non fiction title that peaks my interest. Rhonda Stoppe’s book was one of those titles that instantly drew me in. Her humor and openness about her own marriage in the opening chapters convinced me that I had made the right decision, when choosing to read and review this book.
Often times as young girls we dream of the fairy tale love stories and our perfect prince charming, right? I don’t know about you guys, but this was definitely the case for me growing up. White horse and all! And what a shock it is when we marry our handsome princes only to find that love and marriage are not always that perfect story we read in our magical books. Real life comes flooding in after our honeymoon phase and we suddenly find see the reality that marriage is not only a beautiful and rewarding thing, but it can be hard work. It takes a level of selflessness and compromise that doesn’t come easy all the time. In Rhonda’s book she addresses this subject and more including but not limited to unconditional respect for your husband, longing for the romance in your marriage , financial stresses, and she even has a chapter that touches on subject of the marital bed.
While I can’t relate to everything shared in the book, there are a few times when I found myself within the pages. Often causing me to pause a moment, check myself, and seek forgiveness and wisdom in my prayer time. I love when books encourage us to search our hearts and strive to do better, don’t you? Another thing I enjoyed about this book are the study tools in the back of each chapter. I just love how interactive the book becomes and how it helps the reader dig a little deeper into the topics discussed in each chapter. Here is a little peek at the sections I am referring to.
From a Husband’s Perspective: This section is a great addition to the chapters in my opinion. Here we get a chance to meet Steve, Rhonda’s husband. He not only brings with him his pastoral wisdom, but he graciously offers up the man’s perspective on the topics discussed within the chapter. Sometimes it is hard seeing things from our spouse’s perspective. So as I read this section, I felt inspired to try even harder to see things more from both sides.
Thinking it Through & Living It Out: These sections let the reader dig a little deeper into the topics through offering more Bible verses for reference along with question and answer pages . I am truly a person that learns by writing things out, so I enjoyed working through these portions of the chapter. It will be nice also to go back through the book at a later time and review what I shared on each section. If you have a book club or women’s study group at church, I would highly recommend looking into sharing this book with your ladies.
Corresponding Audio Links: Along with the three earlier sections I mention above, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Rhonda included links to supporting audio clips. How awesome is that? This is not something I have ever seen done before and I really thought it was a great bonus. It was a fun way to hear the author actually speak after hearing her in my head as I read. Each of the links for the chapters are found by visiting her website NoRegretsWomen.com
I really enjoyed the way this book is broken down within the chapters. That was a huge part in keeping my attention and helping me engage more. I believe this book could benefit women in any stage of marriage and I hope my review has inspired you to pick up a copy. I am looking forward to reading more from this author, starting with her book Moms Raising Sons to Men. For more about Rhonda Stoppe and her writing work, be sure to visit her website.
What’s books are on your nightstand? I would love to hear what your reading!

I am a southern girl through and through that loves to laugh, cook, read and spend time with family. My passions outside of home schooling my son are ministering to those in need and creating art in the kitchen! Every day is an adventure in our little house and I wouldn’t trade it or the chance to share here with you for anything!
Piques my interest.
I’m getting married next year so I am 100% bookmarking this. It sounds like a must-read. 🙂